260 Chapman Road, Newark DE 19702


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Our Hours

Monday: 5pm - 10pm

Tuesday: 5pm - 10pm

Wednesday: 5pm - 10pm

Thursday: 5pm - 10pm

Friday: 5pm - 10pm

Saturday: 5pm - 10pm

Sunday : Closed


Our Story

Dipak Govindlal Shah came to the US in 1964 to pursue his graduate degree. Before he became Dr. Shah, PhD, and moved to Delaware in 1977, he would marry Pragna, have his first son (Neil), and be months away from welcoming his second son (Luv).

He would purchase his first motel in 1978 to allow Pragna to work from home and let the boys sleep in and avoid daycare. Always outgoing and hospitable, he quickly made friends in the community and became a gracious host to his guests.

And he began to introduce himself as “David.”

Over the years, he found his passion in working with his employees to create a welcoming temporary home for guests. And he began to experiment in the kitchen to create unique foods and flavors, with an exceptional experience.

This restaurant is dedicated to his unique style, his warmth, and his funny personality. It’s a place I’m sure my Dad would be proud to mingle with guests.

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